What is the "black box" and what is it designed to do?
It's a shoebox-size device that captures video and audio
recordings of everything that happens in the OR, so we
know what steps were completed and how well
the team communicated. It also electronically
documents physiological information from
patient monitors and the physical environment
of the room, including ambient temperature,
decibel levels and how many times the door is
opened. It's designed to identify near misses,
understand the risks involved and proactively mit-
igate those risks.
Why is capturing real-time data so important?
The information captured by the black box is
irrefutable evidence of what really goes on in the
OR, so you can target specific solutions. We've
shown that coaching surgical teams with black box
data reduces the rate of surgical errors by 50%. The
healthcare industry continues to invest billions of
dollars in enhancing the safety of devices used dur-
ing surgery, but we haven't seen improvements in
safety outcomes. Without accurate data, you're try-
ing to solve complex problems blindly.
eal-time OR Monitoring
Leads to Better, Safer Surgery
Teodor Grantcharov, MD, PhD, FACS
Creator of surgery's 'black box' and believer that data doesn't lie
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