5 8 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • A P R I L 2 0 1 9
n order to remove a polyp or adeno-
ma, you first have to see it. New tech-
nologies ranging from low-tech
mechanical innovations to high-tech
digital solutions enhance the views of
specific areas of the colon and reduce the
Joe Paone | Senior Associate Editor
Boost Your Adenoma Detection Rates
The latest scope upgrades enhance views
of the colon to highlight hard-to-spot growths.
• ADENOMA DETECTION RATE According to CMS, physicians should have an ade-
noma detection rate of at least 20% in women and 30% in men.
number of adenomas
that remain hidden
from view behind
folds and flexures.
Increasing adenoma
detection rates (ADR)
requires visualizing all
of the colon's mucosa
(mucosal exposure)
and being able to bet-
ter spot adenomas on
the mucosa you see
(highlighting). That
calls for a combina-
tion of higher video
resolution, wider
viewing angles and —
let's not forget this —
good technique.
1. Better image
If you're still using
standard-def scopes,
you're likely behind
the curve in ADR.