4 0 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • A P R I L 2 0 1 9
oesn't it feel like every time you turn around there's a
new and better video system hitting the market? You
probably remember that soon after hanging high-defi-
nition monitors in your ORs, 4K ultra-high-definition
became the gotta-have-it upgrade. Well get ready,
because emerging technologies are once again pushing the envelope
of what can be seen during surgery, from 4K images combined with
Surgical Video's Next Big Thing(s)
Don't look now, but it might be time to start
thinking about replacing your facility's 4K monitors.
• SEEING IS BELIEVING Joshua Bederson, MD (right), believes combining 3D technology with 4K images is a game-changer in
surgical imaging.
Kendal Gapinski | Contributing Editor