Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Tell Your Patients to Drink Up - March 2019 - Subscribe to Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

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Page 80 of 132

M A R C H 2 0 1 9 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y. N E T • 8 1 S oon after a total joint or a colon resec- tion patient settles into his pre-op room at Mercy Health St. Elizabeth Boardman (Ohio) Hospital, he's greeted by a nurse holding a box of tis- sues in one hand and a package of antiseptic nasal swabs in the other. She offers him a tissue and asks him to blow his nose. Then the nurse tilts the patient's head back, opens a 4-pack of povidone iodine swabs and swirls the inner and anterior rim of each nostril for about 15 seconds apiece, and then repeats the process. If preferred, the patient can swab himself. The cost of nasal decolonization: a Kleenex, $15 for a package of swabs and 2 minutes of a pre-op nurse's time. The payoff: fewer MRSA or associated wound infections. A lot fewer. "Compared to the cost of one infection, I'd say our return on invest- ment was a positive one, as our colon SSI rate decreased significantly," says Maria Sliwinski, RN, BSN, MHHS, CNOR, clinical resource special- Dan O'Connor | Editor-in-Chief Fighting MRSA Infection With a Tissue and a Swab Nasal decolonization as part of a bundled approach can help reduce wound infections. • SWAB 'EM ALL Easy-to-apply povidone iodine and ethanol nasal decolonization products let more surgical facilities routinely swab patients an hour or so before surgery. Pamela Bevelhymer, RN, BSN, CNOR

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