1 6 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • M A R C H 2 0 1 9
o stay on top of
your daily
demands, host a
daily morning huddle
to get your team lead-
ers on the same page.
It's a small change, but
one that can help you
manage all the chal-
lenges that can come
up in a day. Here's how
to host a great morning
• Keep it short. A 5-to-10-minute huddle gives everyone a chance to go
over the day and week ahead.
• Get the right people in the room. I sit down with the OR charge
nurse, the house charge nurse and the materials coordinator. Our
nurses in the house and charge roles rotate on a weekly basis, so
there are always new faces in the huddle.
• Solve problems together. Knowing your colleagues' challenges
lets you work out problems and brainstorm solutions as a team.
We've found our morning huddle gets our day off to a great start,
and it helps us navigate any problems that might come up related to
staffing, supplies or any last-minute changes to the schedule.
Erika Gjerde, RN, BSN
Carris Health Surgery Center
Willmar, Minn.
Tips for a Great Morning Huddle
• MORNING HUDDLE Carris Health Surgery Center touts the value of a short
morning meeting to get your team leaders to prep for the day.