Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Throw Away The Script - February 2019 - Subscribe to Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

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Contents of this Issue


Page 20 of 150

feedback. The survey at our facility is so easy that a parent can do it while holding a toddler. Simple, satisfying solutions The benefits of drilling down on patient satisfaction speak for them- selves, and it'll only become more important as health care hurtles toward a value-based reimbursement model. Satisfaction starts by asking patients a key question and then listen- ing intently to their answers. It's about communicating in a way that hits home and then seeking out feedback that can make us better. When you break it down like that, it all sounds so simple, and in some ways it is. If everyone can stay locked in on that one big question, the rest tends to fall into place. "What matters most today?" OSM Dr. Butz (sbutz@mcw.edu) is an associate professor of anesthesiology at the Medical College of Wisconsin and medical director at the Children's Hospital of Wisconsin Surgicenter in Milwaukee, Wis. F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 9 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y. N E T • 2 1 These survey questions can help you understand if you're hitting the mark: • Did you know who to call if you needed help or information after you left? • How often did the staff do everything they could to help your child with his/her pain? • Did someone from the staff tell you accurately how your child might feel after surgery? • How would you rate this outpatient facility from 0 to 10? • Would you recommend this outpatient surgical facility to your friends and family? — Matthew Nojiri SURVEY 5 Key Indicators of Patient Satisfaction

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