6 8 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 9
chronic sinus infec-
tions want lasting
relief fast, and fortu-
nately the latest inno-
vations promise to
help physicians deliver
those results. ENT
navigation systems,
improved instruments,
drug-eluting stents and
improved balloon dila-
tion systems are all
promising to improve
sinus surgery for
patients and physi-
cians alike. Here's
what you should know about the latest technological advances.
ENT navigation
Once reserved for only the most difficult
cases, ENT navigation is now commonplace in most sinus sur-
geon's toolkits, says Jeffrey S. Wolf, MD, FACS, professor of otorhino-
Kendal Gapinski | Contributing Editor
Innovations in Sinus Surgery
4 advances in opening the pathways
of the sinuses and clearing blockages.
• GPS "Navigation can help reinforce where you are in the sinus cavity and reduce
the risk of complications," says Jeffrey S. Wolf, MD, FACS.