J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 9 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y. N E T • 7 5
iagnosing patients in need of a joint replacement is a
science and implanting prosthetic joints just so is a
technical art, but health care is ultimately a business.
Transforming diseased joints into perfectly functioning
hips and knees won't keep the doors open and the
lights on. But running a value-based total joints program will, and that
begins with mastering a bundled payment strategy — a set fee negotiat-
ed with insurers for care delivered by multiple providers over an entire
episode of a patient's treatment, which begins when surgery is sched-
uled and ends at 90 days post-op. It's the perfect risk-reward model —
you measure outcomes, strive to reduce expenses and limit complica-
Master Total Joint Bundled Payments
How to succeed with today's episode-based, risk-reward model.
Steven F. Schutzer, MD | Hartford, Conn.
• TOTAL TEAM EFFORT Standardized protocols and data-driven results are needed to achieve financial and clinical success.