J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 9 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y. N E T • 2 1
rescription filled?
Text. Package deliv-
ered? Text. School
closing early? Text. Hair
appointment reminder? Text.
Yes, nowadays we receive a
text instead of a phone call
for just about everything. But
what about a critical event
like surgery? Why not extend
that same convenience to
We don't text our patients
— most of them are too
young to read. Here at our
pediatric hospital and sur-
gery center, we offer our
patients' parents a text mes-
sage alert system to help
them navigate a scary time:
their child's surgery, often
their little one's first visit to
the OR. In addition to tex-
ting them reminders about
arrival times and NPO sta-
tus, we also text parents
links to information and
Sending Pre-op Text Alerts and Reminders
Our patients' parents love our customized text messaging application.
Business Advisor
Natalie McLane, RN, MSN, CPN, and Jennifer Dickman, DNP, RN, CPN
• TEXT TONES Examples of a few of the many text alerts and reminders
you can send to patients.