1 0 8 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 9
are a siz-
able con-
cern for
your cataract sur-
geons. They increase
the risk of serious
complications, includ-
ing damage to the iris,
capsular tears, vitre-
ous loss, and retained
lens fragments and
cortical material. It's
estimated that about
10% of cataract
patients are at risk of
intraoperative miosis,
so chances are your
surgeons will have to
deal with the issue at least once during a busy day of surgery.
Thankfully, there are several drugs and devices that will dilate pupils
wide enough to give physicians the views they need to perform safe
Call in the Big Guns to Deal With Small Pupils
These drugs and
devices promise to
take the challenge out
of the challenging
cataract cases.
• OPENING UP Most surgeons routinely use a topical or intracameral medication to
keep pupils dilated throughout surgery.
Daniel Cook | Executive Editor