A barrier mesh used for laparoscopic ventral hernia repair is around
$2,500-plus. You're paying for the extra coating so the bowel doesn't
adhere onto the mesh. With robotics, you can place a less sophisticat-
ed mesh one layer deeper so that it will not come in contact with the
intestine. A typical flat mesh for an abdominal hernia is around $500.
From an institutional standpoint, robotics can reduce a hospital stay
from 5 days to 1 day.
Robotics also make mesh-free repair a viable alternative. For the
past 2 years, I have enrolled a number of patients to undergo robotic-
assisted non-mesh inguinal hernia repair. Hopefully, more surgeons
will learn this technique as an alternative and minimally invasive
option for open inguinal hernia repair and without the use of mesh.
The advent of robotics has been transformative. But similar to
laparoscopy, robotic
surgery is not neces-
sarily the best option
for every patient.
Also, similar to
laparoscopic surgery,
it is best performed
by surgeons with a
lot of experience, as
it has its own risks.
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Dr. Towfigh
center.com) is a renowned
hernia specialist and
founder of the Beverly Hills
Hernia Center.