he 4-minute mile was thought
to be an impossible feat.
Hopelessly out of reach, said the
experts. But in 1954, a University
of Oxford medical student named
Roger Bannister ran the first-ever 4-minute mile
and proved the experts wrong. Just as milers
have been striving against the clock for years, sur-
gical facility leaders have been struggling to bust
through the barriers preventing them from achieving
faster room turnovers.
But a 3-minute turnover? Just like a 4-minute mile,
humanly impossible, right? Don't tell that to Lilah De Vito,
RN, BA, CVOR, CNOR, who saw firsthand what 3-minute
Breaking the
Secrets to cleaning rooms in record time
— and not missing a spot.
Dan O'Connor | Editor-in-Chief
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