begging people to
stay over.
Late differen-
tial. Because
our days would often
routinely run over in
the busy winter
months, we asked the
governing body to
approve differential
pay. We applied the $2-
per-hour differential
after 4 p.m. for any
OR staff still
working, and after 5
p.m. for the PACU
team. The
differential, as much
a financial incentive
as it was an acknowl-
edgment for the extra
time, went a long
way with the team. It
definitely had a
positive impact on
morale and made late
days more bearable
and financially
2 8 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 8
e found a
use app called When I
Work for scheduling
staff at our small sur-
gery center. You can
access it from your
phone and it's free for
facilities with fewer than
75 employees. Each
teammate logs in to
register their phone. Then the managers
can log in to pull up monthly or weekly
calendars. The manager can assign shifts
by department or for the whole facility.
Each employee can then acknowledge
their shift, which shows up as a green
check mark. You can even assign roles
like SPD or PACU so you don't accidental-
ly have too many staff in the same role for
a particular day. Staff can also indicate
their availability 2 to 3 months out. It's
made scheduling a breeze!
Ryan Anderson, MBA
Grants Pass (Ore.) Surgery Center
This Free App Makes
Scheduling a Breeze
• EASY SCHEDULING See all your staff's avail-
ability at a glance with the When I Work schedul-
ing app.