1 8 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 8
e keep often-needed supplies just
outside the ORs in the sterile cor-
ridor. When crucial items were
constantly out of stock, we came up with
this simple 2-bin system to better manage
par levels. Here's how it works:
• Place 2 bins, one in front of the other,
full of the same supply on a shelf.
• When the last item in the forward bin is
picked, remove the empty bin and place it in
a designated area on top of the shelving unit.
• Pull the second bin, which is full of sup-
plies, forward to the front of the shelf.
• Periodically check the top of the shelves
for empty bins, so you know which supplies need to be restocked.
• After refilling an empty bin, place it back on its assigned shelf,
behind the full bin, where it's ready to be pulled forward again when
the bin in front is emptied.
This bin rotation system keeps supplies constantly replenished and
also lets you recognize the items you use constantly and which items
you might not need to keep stocked in the sterile corridor.
Heather Kirkman, BSN, RN
Carolinas Medical Center-Mercy
Charlotte, N.C.
Bin Rotation System Keeps
Supplies Constantly