Purchase wisely
OrthoCarolina held a glove trial. They invited glove reps to make pre-
sentations to the surgeons to find the best options.
"The biggest thing with gloves nowadays — latex or non-latex — is
that you can probably find a pair of each that feels the same. But the
non-latex gloves save you from the risk of touching someone who has
a latex allergy," says Dr. Woodside.
1 2 2 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 8
Gammex PI Hybrid
FYI: The new Gammex
PI Hybrid is made
from a 50/50 blend of
polyisoprene and neo-
prene that intertwines
to form crosslinks
between the polymers,
providing a glove that
features latex-like
comfort of PI while also displaying the higher strength and durability
associated with neoprene. It's an ideal outer glove within a double glov-
ing system, says the company. The glove is semi-transparent, providing
better visibility of breach detection when combined with a darker
underglove. It is also micro-thin to provide sensitivity when double glov-
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