5 4 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 8
2. You Don't Have to Shiver During Surgery
The OR thermostat is often
turned down for the comfort
of the surgical team, who
are hard at work under lay-
ers of scrubs and impervi-
ous gowns. Meanwhile,
those of us working the case
from outside the sterile field
are left shivering in the
perimeter of the chilly room
— and we'll do anything to
keep warm. I've stolen a few
minutes warming myself in
front of the open door of an
autoclave after a piping hot
set of instruments was
removed and a nurse I
worked with used to wrap a
warmed cotton blanket
around her waist. I've even seen staff members stick the hose of
forced-air warming devices into their scrubs for a quick blast of hot
air. Anesthesiologist Mark Silverberg, MD, who clearly understands
what's it like to shiver in the OR, came up with OperationHeatJac,
an innovative personal warming device. The belts come with air-acti-
vated warming pads or electric- and battery-powered warmers. You
wrap the warming belt around your torso, on top of scrubs and under
a scrub jacket or surgical gown. Dr. Silverberg also offers an insulat-
ing vest to hold in the warmth generated by the belt.
• COMFORT MEASURE Individual warming belts help surgical team members
heat up in cool ORs.