O C T O B E R 2 0 1 8 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y. N E T • 9
staffed for surgeries that run late or start late, but it also promotes a
better work-life balance for the other members of our OR team by let-
ting them (almost always) go home at their regularly scheduled time. A
dedicated late-case team can also help your bottom line by reducing
unscheduled hours of overtime and increasing your caseload. An
added benefit: You'll reduce the late-case team's 40-hour work week (5
8's) to 36 hours (3 12's).
One final note: Even though our physicians agreed to limit their late
cases to 3 days, we know there will be exceptions. We asked our day-
shift staff to pick 1 Tuesday or Friday each month that they could stay
late on the off chance a case runs over on a day for which we don't
have late-case cover-
age. But with our new
schedule in place, our
RNs and techs are
usually home in time
for dinner.
Philip B. Binkley,
Houston (Texas)
Centerfield Surgery