To see which hip positioners fit best with you
and your patients, visit
or call 800-467-4944 today.
We're the one source with all the choices you
need for successful procedures
on any size patient.
De Mayo
Hip Positioner
Offering remarkable
stability for your most
challenging obese
patients, the De Mayo
Hip Positioner
two-point fixation. It
sets up easily, as you
"build" the positioner
around your patient.
Universal Lateral Positioner
With 25 years of OR history, you can count on the ULP
to deliver the most stable positioning available. It features
three-point fixation and pivoting pad plates for secure
placement. IMP's exclusive Dual-Compression, Clip-On
Patient Protective Pads and the ULP's 25 year history
without a patient incident set the industry standards.
Positioning System:
For maximum versatility and ease of
use, MorphBoard Systems establish
position with the push of a peg.
© 2018 IMP
IMP: The operative word in patient positioning.
One size does not fit all
Choose the hip positioner that works best for your patient and for you
De Mayo Hip Positioner
US Patent No. 6,820,621
Clip-On™ Pad US Patent No. 7,426,930
Positioning System US Patent No. 7,100,225
Universal Lateral Positioner
US Patent No. 6,003,176