2 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • O C T O B E R 2 0 1 8
To Our Readers
We hope this year's Manager's Guide to Staff & Patient Safety
inspires you to look out for the well-being of your selfless
nurses and techs so they can pay the care forward to their patients. Outpatient surgery is getting more complex and
protecting everyone in the OR is becoming more challenging, but surgical safety is still based on a simple concept
that should drive every decision you make: First, do no harm.
Cover design by Ethan Anderson | Photo by Pamela Bevelhymer, RN, BSN, CNOR
Staff & Patient Safety
O c t o b e r 2 0 1 8
o u t p a t i e n t s u r g e r y . n e t
4 On Point
Have You Established a Culture of Safety?
Elizabeth Wick, MD
8 3 Sharp Ideas to Improve Sharps Safety
Here's how we responded to a
worrisome uptick in needlesticks and cuts.
Sharon Bouyer-Ferullo, DNP, RN, MHA, CNOR,
and Melissa McCarthy, BSN, RN
16 Is it Time for a Checklist Double-Check?
3 tips to get the most out
of surgery's essential safety tool.
Thereza Ayad, DNP, RN, CNOR
22 5 Steps to Smoke-Free Surgery
Your staff will breathe a collective sigh of relief
when you clear the OR air of harmful contaminants.
Joann Ruff, BSN, CNOR
27 Keep Fluid Off the Floor
A look at automated collection and
disposal options that will keep your staff safe.
Bobby Underwood, BSN, RN, CNOR, CRNFA
33 What's in Your MH Cart?
Answer these 10 questions to find out if you're
ready to respond to a malignant hyperthermia crisis.
Charles B. Watson, MD, FCCM
44 Comprehensive Pressure
Injury Prevention
Use this risk assessment tool to
protect patients' skin from pre-op to PACU.
Cassendra A. Munro, MSN, RN, CNOR
52 How Much Do You Know
About Patient Warming?
A recent survey suggests some nurses
are still stumped on the basics of
preventing perioperative hypothermia.
Jeannette Sabatini | Associate Editor
59 Left-Behind Needle Proves Fatal
Lessons learned from the tragedy
a final count might have prevented.
Jared Bilski | Senior Associate Editor
67 Advances in Medication Management
Technology can increase drug security and safety.
Christina Michalek, BSc, PharmD, RPh, FASHP
75 Celebrating 10 Years
Of the Surgical Safety Checklist
Q&A with Thomas Weiser, MD, checklist
co-creator and champion of safer patient care.