S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 8 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y. N E T • 1 1 3
he Cataract Van has been pulling up to our facility for 13
years, unloading its precious cargo in our driveway and
magically transforming our ORs into sparkling eye suites
a few days a month. Be it 5 or 15, when the day's cases
are done, a tech wheels the phaco machine back onto
the van and drives off until the next visit.
Welcome to roll-on, roll-off cataracts. The on-demand outsourcing
model suits our 2-OR multi-specialty surgery center especially well.
We do 450 to 600 cataract cases per year, certainly not an insignificant
number, but probably not enough to justify buying our own equip-
Sheila Boland, BSN, RN | Chesterfield, Mo.
There's That Cataract Van Again
Does outsourcing cataracts make sense for your facility?
• DRIVE-UP SERVICE A mobile service delivers everything — equipment, supplies, personnel — the Chesterfield (Mo.) Surgery
Center needs to perform cataract surgery a few days a month.