1 2 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 8
ur ultraviolet light
disinfection sys-
tem features an
ingenious way to prevent
staff from entering the
room being cleaned. We
station the removable
cover panels outside of
the door with caution
signs facing out into the
hallway. We also place a
barrier chain across the
door frame using the
magnets attached to the
chain while the UV disin-
fection robot does its job
inside the room. When
the cycle is over, the
hard-shell case fits
around the bulbs and
protects them during transport and storage.
Mae Eichelberger, RN, BS, CPAN
Gibson Area Hospital & Health Services
Gibson City, Ill.
Do Not Enter: UV Room Disinfection in Process
• STANDING GUARD The removable cover panels that protect the
bulbs of a UV disinfection device during transport and storage do double
duty. When the machine is in use, the panels block entry into the OR.