8 8 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 8
This Elephant Never Forgets Recycling Ideas
The elephant hanging in the hallway at
Summa Health System Akron City
Hospital in Akron, Ohio, reminds staff
that the best way to resolve big issues,
such as eliminating medical waste by
recycling and reprocessing, is to first
tackle smaller issues.
"Our motto is, 'How to eat an ele-
phant? One bite at a time!'" says OR
Director Kelly Glendon, BSN, RN, CNOR.
Staff members who submit an idea
for improvement that's been approved
write it on a piece of paper and stick it
on the elephant. Once the suggestion
is implemented, the staff member col-
ors in the piece of paper.
"Our goal is to completely fill the elephant with implemented ideas
before the end of the year," says Ms. Glendon.
A couple of recent ideas: reprocess orthopedic tourniquets and
recycle plastic irrigation bottles.
"Since this rollout, we have seen a huge shift in the amount of
trash collected daily versus recyclable waste. The staff were so
excited about this new process to better protect our environ-
ment," says Ms. Glendon.
In case you were wondering, an anesthesiologist's wife drew the
cardboard elephant. "He's the OR's mascot," says Ms. Glendon.
— Jeannette Sabatini
staff place suggestions for going green on the
elephant that hangs in the hallway.