Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Keep Your Nose Clean - August 2018 - Subscribe to Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

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Page 107 of 118

and vapors are less dependent on line of sight. They are, how- ever, potentially more labor intensive because you have to cover air vents and seal OR doors before activating the devices. Time also is needed for chemicals to suffi- ciently dissipate before you can re- enter a disinfected room. You ultimately have to decide what type of disinfection device is worth the invest- ment. Compare the initial capital invest- ment, per-use dispos- ables and the associ- ated labor costs with the hundreds of thou- sands of dollars a healthcare-acquired infection can cost your facility to treat. OSM The most effective whole room disinfection system is also the most affordable. Rethink what's possible when it comes to whole room disinfection. The Halo Disinfection System® is setting a new standard as the most comprehensive value in whole room disinfection by offering the highest possible efficacy with the greatest affordability on the market today. Our easy-to-use aerosolized hydrogen peroxide fogging system is EPA validated to kill 99.9999% of C. difficile spores and can be cost effectively operationalized in your environment. The most effective whole room disinfection system is also the most affordable. Your whole room disinfection strategy doesn't have to make tradeoffs between affordability and results. Visit us at AHE booth #437 to learn more. The most effective whole room disinfection system is also the most affordable. Rethink what's possible when it comes to whole room disinfection. The Halo Disinfection System® is setting a new standard as the most comprehensive value in whole room disinfection by offering the highest possible efficacy with the greatest affordability on the market today. Our easy-to-use aerosolized hydrogen peroxide fogging system is EPA validated to kill 99.9999% of C. difficile spores and can be cost effectively operationalized in your environment. Make Sure It's Halo•Sealed. ™ www.halosil.com Thinking of Buying … TB

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