treat that talent fairly. Every surgeon who becomes a partner in our
organization gets the same contract I have, and there are no financial
secrets in terms of productivity and profitability. That transparency
lets us keep our talent forever. We joke that working at Rothman is a
life sentence.
What do you think of the movement
of more complex cases to outpatient ORs?
I've seen the entire spectrum of care. When I performed the first total
hips in Philadelphia in the 1970s, we'd admit patients 2 days before
surgery and keep them 3 weeks post-op. Patients were hospitalized
for nearly a month, so we became very good friends. Now outpatient
orthopedics is the future of surgery because it's cost effective and it's
generally good for patients to recover at home.
What other trends do you see in the
evolution of health care?
We're entering a time when things are going to change radically in
terms of quality care delivered at lower cost and with a focus on
patient-centeredness. One of our driving principles is delivering health
care without requiring patients to come to an ivory tower in the city. We
have more than 30 satellite locations in suburban population centers
because convenience is a very strong driver of excellent patient care.
Where are significant cost-saving opportunities within
bundled payments that cover entire episodes of care?
Physical therapy is a prime example. Of a typical $30,000 bundle for a
total hip replacement, $6,000 goes to covering the cost of rehabbing.
We helped develop a company that provides physician therapy over
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