8 6 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • A U G U S T
You took off your scrubs for the
last time in May at 81 years old
after performing 40,000 joint
replacements. Was it an emotional
It was a typical Wednesday for me. I
performed 5 knee replacements, walked
out of the OR and haven't thought much
about it since. I'll continue with office
practice and will help run the Rothman
Institute, which is a half-a-billion-dollar
practice. I'm also starting a few new
business ventures in China. I'll keep
What did founding the Rothman
Institute teach you about leader-
I began in 1970 with a partner, a nurse,
a secretary and a lab assistant. Now
we have a thousand employees and
200 surgeons. People always wonder
what the secret sauce is to building a
successful organization. You have to
identify the highest level of talent and
ounder of the Famed Rothman Institute
Slowing Down (Sort of) After 50 Years in the OR
Richard H. Rothman, MD, PhD
Orthopedic Pioneer and Healthcare Entrepreneur