A U G U S T 2 0 1 8 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y. N E T • 3 1
Hall MicroFree
Small Bone
Power System
ConMed's Hall
MicroFree cord-
less small bone
power system
provides the free-
dom of a cordless
device, yet deliv-
ers the RPMs surgeons need. We surgeons have only recently become
untethered from the cords we've dragged around for years (and some-
times through the sterile field), and this new system ratchets the con-
venience factor up a notch.
It's light and well balanced and has a pencil-grip design that fits easi-
ly in the palm of your hand. But it also packs plenty of power, with
both medium-speed (25,000 RPMs) and high-speed (80,000 RPMs) drill
systems. A rep says MicroFree uses the same technology that
NASCAR drivers use to accelerate out of curves. It has a 3-volt battery
with a voltage booster, so it goes from 3 volts to 10 volts in a snap, to
provide increased torque when needed.
Another advantage is that the system is completely autoclavable,
including the battery, which is wrapped in Insulfrax, a thermal materi-
al that can withstand heat up to 2,000°F.
It comes with a full complement of cutting accessories and the
handpiece lists for about $6,000. But, says the rep, the increased
speed and efficiency with which it can be reprocessed might let a
facility get away with stocking 3 or 4 systems, instead of 6 or 7.