You made national news by coming out of
relative obscurity to beat some of the best
racers on the planet. How did you do it?
It was a combination of things. There's a quote
that I like: Luck is what happens when
preparation meets opportunity. I ran com-
petitively in college and had been training
consistently for many years. The weather
that day — rainy and windy — was the
wildcard everyone had to deal with, so it
was a unique race. It was only the second
marathon I'd ever run and the only reason I
entered was to run with my brother.
Did you know how well you'd done
after crossing the finish line?
I had passed some of the top women who were
expected to finish at the front of the pack, so I
knew I was doing well, but had no idea how
well. When I finished, a race official told me I
placed second. I assumed he meant in my age
division. A few minutes later I found out it was
second place overall. I was in shock. That's
when my husband and I started freaking out.
n Inspiring
Second Place Finish After 26.2 Miles
Sarah Sellers, CRNA
Nurse anesthetist and 2018 Boston Marathon Runner-Up
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