J U L Y 2 0 1 8 • O U T PA T I E N TS U R G E R Y. N E T • 5 9
o one's ever mistaken a surgical gown for a down
jacket, so patients will always appreciate the warm
blanket you wrap around them or the active warming
method you apply. What they might not realize is that
your efforts to keep them comfortable are really
aimed at keeping them safe. Warming patients before, during and after
surgery limits the risk of post-op infections, improves wound healing
and leads to faster recoveries.
Mike Morsch | Associate Editor
Your Options in Patient Warming
The benefits of preventing hypothermia
extend well beyond warm welcomes.
• LAYERED APPROACH Wrapping patients with warmed cotton blankets in pre-op can ease their anxiety and augment the
effects of other active warming methods.