J U L Y 2 0 1 8 • O U T PA T I E N TS U R G E R Y. N E T • 3 3
ulse oximetry and capnography are anesthesia's peanut
butter and jelly — I won't use one without the other.
Why? Because capnography helps monitor respiration
and pulse oximetry monitors blood oxygen levels.
Those real-time readings provide reassurance that
patients' respiration rates are normal and their airways are secure.
The monitors also provide the earliest warning signs of respiratory
Jason Warren, MD | San Diego, Calif.
Patient Monitoring Essentials
Capnography and pulse oximetry provide additional reassurance
whenever anesthesia is administered.
• BREATHE EASY Capnography is the best way to monitor ventilation of a patient and the standard of care whenever patients are sedated.