Outpatient Surgery Magazine

There's An App For That - July 2018 - Subscribe to Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

Issue link: http://outpatientsurgery.uberflip.com/i/1004048

Contents of this Issue


Page 106 of 118

Today's big screens double as interactive workflow efficiency tools. They can display time out checklists, digital preference cards to assist in room turnover, and CT scans and X-rays, so the surgeon doesn't have to leave the sterile field. Picture-in-picture, picture-by-picture and split- and quad-split-screens let you view multiple images at once. One display offers touchscreen tiling and infinite windowing, meaning you can simultaneously display as many images from as many devices at once as you'd like. Some have built-in microphones and speakers that let the surgical team conference room to room. You could give PACU a heads up that a patient is on the way and alert pre-op that you're ready for the next patient. We compiled thumbnail sketches of 8 big-screen monitors so you can comparison shop. OSM J U L Y 2 0 1 8 • O U T PA T I E N TS U R G E R Y. N E T • 1 0 7 &HLOLQJ6XVSHQVLRQ6\VWHP6ROXWLRQVIRU0RQLWRUV3URWHFWLYH6KLHOGV25/DPSV;5D\3URWHFWLYH&ORWKLQJDQG$FFHVVRULHV IRU0HGLFDO3HUVRQQHODQG3DWLHQWV7DEOH0RXQWHG&0RELOH6KLHOGV3URWHFWLYH&XUWDLQV& Lead Glass Windows IRU0HGLFDO3HUVRQQHODQG3DWLHQWV 7DEOH0RXQWHG&0RELOH6KLHOGV3URWHFWLYH&XUWDLQV& Lead Glass Windows www.mavig.com MAVIG GmbH Ti-Ba Enterprises, Inc. (Representative in the USA) Phone: +1 (0) 585 247 1212 Stahlgruberring 5 25 Hytec Circle Fax: +1 (0) 585 247 1395 81829 Munich - Germany NY 14606, Rochester - USA e-Mail: mavigusteam@mavig.com X-Ray Protectio t n a n nd nd Med Medica ical S l uspension Systems Suspension System GD60 Dual Arm Increased Range of 39.4 in For OR and Hybrid OR Suites Provides Increased Range of 39.4 in Supports Monitors up to 60" (Suspension System for Wide Screen or Multiple Monitors) Extension & Spring Arm Combination

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